Interested investors must register to buy the whole lot, equivalentto more than 13.9 million shares.
The whole lot is valued at more than 316.2 billion VND (13.5million USD).
The auction will be held at the Hanoi Stock Exchange (HNX) onAugust 5.
HTTN was established in 2003. The unit performs the functions andtasks of the investor and project manager for infrastructure constructionprojects inside Song Cong I Industrial Park assigned by the Thai Nguyen provincialPeople's Committee.
HTTN's main business and production activities are sub-leasingland, leasing and using infrastructure in the Song Cong I Industrial Park,providing services for enterprises in industrial zones such as environmentalsanitation, drainage of rainwater, wastewater treatment, and collection ofdomestic waste.
The company has invested in a modern centralised wastewatertreatment plant with a capacity of 2,000cu.m per day to ensure a safeproduction environment and avoid environmental problems in the industrial park.
HTTN's 2021 sales and services revenue increased by 20.1% from 22.9billion VND (995,600 USD) to 27.5 billion VND over the same period lastyear, in which revenue from subleasing land and leasing out infrastructureaccounted for the highest proportion of 68.88%, revenue from wastewatertreatment and garbage collection was 19.14%.
Gross profit from sales and service provision in 2020 and 2021also increased sharply, reaching 9.4 billion VND and 11.19 billion VND,respectively.
In 2022, the company sets the target of net revenue of 31.77trillion VND and profit after tax of 4.4 trillion VND, up 14.15% and 34.98%,respectively, compared to 2021./.