SEA Games 31 lingers in heart of sport lovers

The 31st Southeast Asian Games (SEA Games 31) wrapped up in Hanoi on May 23 but memories of the region’s biggest sporting event will linger in the hearts of sports lovers.

SEA Games 31 saw the participation of nearly 5000 athletes. Nearly 3,000 volunteers took part. As many as 526 medals were presented while more than 30 new records were set.

These figures represent the enormous effort of Vietnam as host of SEA Games 31 amid the ongoing complexities of COVID-19.

During the 3-week event, stadiums and gymnasiums in 12 cities and provinces were packed with spectators.

Interest among the population will make a significant contribution to promoting the country’s sporting development in the time ahead.

SEA Games 31 was held amid COVID-19, so is considered a precious experience for subsequent host countries.

This farewell image of Myanmar athletes with Vietnamese volunteers speaks to the affection foreign teams have for the host country.

Thank you for joining us - Vietnam, a friendly and hospitable land.

Goodbye and see you in Cambodia in 2023./.