SEA Games souvenirs attracting fans

Souvenirs and other items associated with SEA Games 31 are being sold on many streets around Hanoi and also on e-commerce platforms, for sports fans to show their love for the athletes and the region’s biggest sporting event.

On Hang Luoc Street, stuffed Sao La (Asian unicorn) toys, the mascot of SEA Games 31, are sold in different sizes and have attracted the attention of many customers.

According to one shop owner, the locally-made toys cost about 7 USD each.

Fans can also find stuffed Sao La toys and other souvenirs, including T-shirts, bags, stickers, and masks, on e-commerce platforms, in a wide range of colours and prices.

T-shirts and flags with the SEA Games’ logo are also popular.

The souvenirs help welcome in the SEA Games, especially among Vietnamese fans, and encourages the Vietnamese team and promotes the competitive spirit in the region./.