According to the Vietnam Maritime Search and RescueCoordination Centre (Vietnam MRCC), Sil Verio Rosal, a 40-year-old mechanic,was on board the bulk carrier Antonis Angelicoussis en route from Singapore toChina when he suddenly suffered bowel obstruction a day earlier.
Vietnam MRCC received a request for medical assistancefrom the captain when the ship was navigating through waters about 235 kmsoutheast of Nha Trang. The centre then maintained close contact with the shipto update about the sailor’s health and instruct how to provide first aid for him.
However, as his health rapidly deteriorated, the SAR27-01was dispatched for the rescue mission. Once ashore, the man was immediatelytaken to the Khanh Hoa provincial General Hospital for emergency care.
Vietnam MRCC has strictly complied with preventive rulesagainst the COVID-19 pandemic during the rescue operation./.