Speaking at an APA teleconference on October 19,Kaeser said that Asia, not just China, is an important investment destination.
He stressed that a number of multinational groups havepoured a great deal into Vietnam while Germany is also stepping up vocationaltraining in the country.
Enterprises, he said, could quickly seek businessopportunities in the country.
German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs andEnergy Peter Altmaier called on German firms in Asia to seek alternatives in diversifyingregional supply chains.
Germany supports globalisation and wants to diversifysupply chains, he said, adding that it needs to build greater resilience to futurecrises.
The APA conference was first held in 1986 with the aimof bolstering economic ties between Germany and the Asia-Pacific.
This year’s discussions focused on the economic toll fromCOVID-19, the modernisation of trade policy to ensure global supply chains, andthe digitalisation strategies in Asia and Europe./.