Enhancing bilateral economic relations was a key focusat the 6th Investment Promotion Committee (IPC) Meeting, co-chaired bySingapore's Minister for Trade and Industry Gan Kim Yong and People's Republicof China's Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao, MTI said in a press release.
The meeting, last held in December 2017, is a platformfor Singapore and China to discuss updates on key economic policies anddevelopments, with the goal of deepening investment linkages and collaborationbetween the countries.
"The IPC meeting is a valuable platform forSingapore and China to explore new opportunities for collaboration as bothcountries manage the COVID-19 pandemic and seek new growth opportunities,"Gan was cited by The Business Times as saying after the meeting.
MTI said that Gan and Wang affirmed the strong andlongstanding bilateral economic ties between Singapore and China./.