Singapore continues loosening travel restriction

Lawernce Wong, co-chair of the Singaporean inter-ministry committee against COVID-19, on August 21 said the country will allow the general travel by its people to Brunei and New Zealand, starting from September 1.
Singapore continues loosening travel restriction ảnh 1Singapore citizens wear face masks in public (Source: Reuters)
Singapore (VNA) – Lawernce Wong, co-chair of the Singaporean inter-ministry committee against COVID-19, on August 21 said the country will allow the general travel by its people to Brunei and New Zealand, starting from September 1.

Besides, the country will also allow the entry of visitors from Brunei and New Zealand.

Travelers entering Singapore and who have remained in either Brunei or New Zealand in the last consecutive 14 days prior to their entry will not be required to serve a Stay-Home Notice (SHN). Instead, they will undergo a COVID-19 test upon arrival at the airport and only be allowed to go about their activities in Singapore after receiving a negative test result.

Meanwhile, for travelers from some low risk countries and regions including Australia (except Victoria state), Macau (China), china, Taiwan (China), Vietnam and Malaysia, Singapore will shorten the SHN duration from the current 14 days to seven days, and allow travelers to serve the SHN at their place of residence./.


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