Singapore: New electoral boundaries announced

The Singapore’s Electoral Boundaries Review Committee (EBRC) on July 24 released a report on new electoral boundaries for the next general election (GE).
The Singapore’s Electoral Boundaries Review Committee (EBRC) on July 24 released a report on new electoral boundaries for the next general election (GE).

Accordingly, there will be 13 single member constituencies (SMC) and 16 group representation constituencies (GRC), up from 12 SMCs and 15 GRCs in the last election in 2011.

Around 17 percent of voters across the island country will be affected by this change.

The report also showed that the total number of elected Members of Parliament (MPs) will be 89 instead of the current 87.

According to the report, about 2.46 million Singaporeans have registered to vote ahead of the next GE.

With the report made public, the Singapore’s Parliament will be dissolved and a writ of election will be issued, specifying when the nomination of candidates is to be taken.

In accordance with law, the GE must be held before January 2017.-VNA

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