Singapore tightens COVID-19 preventive measures

Singapore will further tighten its COVID-19 measures from May 16 to June 13 as it sought to control an increase in untraceable infections.
Singapore tightens COVID-19 preventive measures ảnh 1People wears face masks at Changi Airport's Terminal 3. (Source:
Singapore (VNA) – Singapore will further tighten its COVID-19 measures from May 16 to June 13 as it sought to control an increase in untraceable infections.

It will be the most stringent restriction after the country eased a lockdown last year.

Gatherings will be limited to two people while families receive only two guests. Restaurants can only provide delivery or takeout services, and foot traffic will be further reduced.

Companies will have to make working from home the default for employees who are able to do so.

Changi airport has become the largest COVID-19 cluster of the country with 46 cases, followed by the outbreak at Tan Tock Seng hospital with 44 infections.

Many people travelled to the airport over the past few days and some of them infected with the coronavirus, posing risks of undetected cases in the community.

Testing and tracing origin of infections will be prime measures of Singapore in the coming time, said Health Minister Gan Kim Yong.

The inoculation drive plays a key role in coping with the pandemic. About 1.9 million people had been vaccinated with at least one dose as of May 13.

Meanwhile, Harry Roque, spokesperson of the Philippine President, has announced that the country will ban international arrivals from Oman and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), starting May 15, amid concerns over the new coronavirus variant first detected in India.

The Philippines has decided to retain the travel ban on some South Asian nations, namely India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, for another two weeks until May 31.

The country now has 1,124,724 confirmed COVID-19 cases, including 18,821 deaths./.

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