Special stamps on Vietnam’s rare primates launched

Special postage stamps on Vietnam’s rare primates were launched in Hanoi on August 11 as a call for the community’s joint effort to save the endangered species from extinction.
Special postage stamps on Vietnam’s rare primates were launched in Hanoi on August 11 as a call for the community’s joint effort to save the endangered species from extinction.

The four new stamp and one block designs, created by painter Do Lenh Tuan from the Vietnam Post Corporation, depicts five indigenous primate species of Vietnam that are in danger of extinction.

They are the Vooc Cat Ba (white-headed langur or Trachypithecus poliocephalus), Vooc mong trang (Delacour's langur or Trachypithecus delacouri), Vooc mui hech (Tonkin snub-nosed monkey or Rhinopithecus avunculus), Cha va chan xam (gray-shanked douc langur or Pygathrix cinerea), and Vuon den tuyen Dong Bac (Eastern black crested gibbon or Nomascus nasutus).

The first four species were also featured on stamps launched in 2002. The same year also saw the re-discovery of the Vuon den tuyen Dong Bac (Eastern black crested gibbon or Nomascus nasutus), one of the rarest and most endangered primate species in the world.

As of present, there have been 20 primate species depicted on 31 stamp and one block designs in Vietnam.

Vietnam is home to 26 primate species, five of them are listed among the world’s 25 most endangered primate species.

The publication of the stamps was in response to the 25th Congress of the International Primatological Society, which is taking place in Vietnam from August 11 – 16.

Also on this occasion, the second volume of the “Primates in Fragments” book was introduced to Vietnamese readers on August 10.- VNA

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