Strong legal base essential for ASEAN’s sustainable growth

The building of a strong institution and legal framework is crucial for ASEAN’s sustainable economic growth.
Strong legal base essential for ASEAN’s sustainable growth ảnh 1Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla (Photo: VNA)

The building of a strong institution and legal framework is crucial for ASEAN’s sustainable economic growth.

Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla made the remark at the ninth ASEAN Law Ministers Meeting (ALAWMM) in Bali, Indonesia on October 22 under the chair of Indonesian Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasona H. Laoly.

He called on the ASEAN member states to put forth appropriate action programmes to help the ALAWMM co-ordinate with other agencies inside and outside the bloc in the field.

Law is a significant factor to promote the advancement of ASEAN in integration and realise its goals, he said, adding that the development of law has never been an easy task for the ALAWMM.-VNA


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