Students are happy after the final test of the High School Graduation Exam

At the end of the important exam, parents and students have their own plans after the past stressful days. However, the fear of the COVID-19 epidemic is always there, so they are more thoughtful about their options

At 3:30 pm on July 8, after 60 minutes of taking the English test, Hanoian students officially finish the High School Graduation Exam 2021.

A large number of parents gather in front of a school, waiting for the moment when their children walk out of exam rooms.

Parents are no longer anxious like the first day. But a little bit of nervousness is shown on some faces.

After a while, the first students begin to step out of the exam site at Nghia Tan Secondary School. Most of the students are quite happy because they have passed an important exam.

On the previous day, students were afraid to share their results exam to avoid psychological influence. But now they are very comfortable commenting on questions of the test and sharing their predictions of the outcome.

At the end of the important exam, parents and students have their own plans after the past stressful days. However, the fear of the COVID-19 epidemic is always there, so they are more thoughtful about their options./.


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