Students from flashflood-hit Lang Nu village back to school

More than a week after the devastating flash flood in Lang Nu village, Phuc Khanh Commune, Bao Yen District, Lao Cai Province, the Primary and Secondary School Phuc Khanh No. 1 has welcomed its students back to class, including 107 students from Lang Nu village.

In the aftermath of the recent flash flood, 13 students of Primary and Secondary School Phuc Khanh No.1 passed away, while 7 others are in the hospital.

Currently, Lang Nu village remains covered in mud, debris, and animal carcasses, posing a high risk of environmental contamination. The road to the main school site is also fraught with danger due to landslides. As a result, many students, whose homes were destroyed, have been moved to boarding facilities at the school, including 107 students from Lang Nu village.

To ensure proper living conditions for the students from Lang Nu village, teachers have rushed to convert underused classrooms and other functional spaces into temporary dormitories. Some parents have also been called upon to help supervise and care for the children. Still, the school's infrastructure remains inadequate, and local authorities' support is urgently needed./.