Tension escalates on Malaysian politics

The Malaysian politics saw estalating tension on September 23 when opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim said he has secured a ‘formidable’ majority from lawmakers to form a new government.
Tension escalates on Malaysian politics ảnh 1Malaysian politician Anwar Ibrahim waves as he leaves a hotel in Kuala Lumpur on Feb. 29, 2020. Photo: AFP

Kuala Lumpur (VNA) -
The Malaysian politics saw estalating tension on September 23 when opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim said he has secured a ‘formidable’ majority from lawmakers to form a new government.

However, Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin affirmed that he is still the legal leader of the Southeast Asian country.

“We have a strong, formidable majority,” Anwar told reporters, adding he commanded support from close to two-thirds of the legislature’s 222 lawmakers, without giving actual numbers or disclosing who had pledged support.

According to Malaysia’s constitution, to form a new government, Anwar must meet with the king, Sultan Abdullah, who plays a largely ceremonial role in Malaysia but could appoint a prime minister who in his view is likely to command a majority in parliament.

Anwar said he was scheduled to meet with the king on September 22 but it had to be cancelled as the king was unwell and had to be taken to a hospital.

Analysts said elections are more likely to end the political uncertainty.

Muhyiddin came to power in March after securing a majority with the support of UMNO, which was defeated in the 2018 election.

Anwar, 73, has had a tumultuous political career. At first a rising star of Malaysian politics and UMNO, he was jailed for sodomy and corruption after being fired as deputy prime minister by Mahathir in 1998./.

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