Thai King orders charter amendment

Thailand’s new King Maha Vajiralongkorn has ordered sections regarding royal power in the country’s draft constitution to be rewritten, said Thai Prime Minister (PM) Prayuth Chan-o-cha on January 10.
Thai King orders charter amendment ảnh 1Thai King Maha Vajiralongkorn (Photo: AFP)

Bangkok (VNA) – Thailand’s new King Maha Vajiralongkorn has ordered sections regarding royal power in the country’s draft constitution to be rewritten, said Thai Prime Minister (PM) Prayuth Chan-o-cha on January 10.

Three to four points of the charter need to be amended concerning the King’s power, the PM told media without specifying which clauses will be altered.

According to the PM, Thailand’s military and cabinet agreed on charter amendment as requested. The work would take two to three months.

Thailand’s military-run government has promised to hold a general election

The draft constitution written by the Thai military force is a focus in the military government’s plan to carry out a general election to restore the country’s democracy.

It was agreed in a referendum last August and looking for approval of the King.

The same day, PM Prayuth expressed his commitment that the military government would stick to its plan to hold the general election by the end of this year.-VNA


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