Bangkok (VNA) – Thailand’s Ministry of Public Healthhas set a target to reduce road accidents during the upcoming New Year holidaysby 5%, by emphasising the message: no drinking and driving.
Minister of Public Health CholnanSrikaew noted that there is a possibility that road accidentsduring the festive period may increase, due to the government’s decision toallow pubs to stay open until 4am, and until 6am on New Year’s Day.
Therefore, it is necessary to tighten measures to prevent road accidents by drawing on support frompublic health volunteers, local administrative officials and the police to test the blood-alcohol levels of drivers and motorcyclists.
According to statistics, therewere 2,440 road accidents between December 29, 2022 and January 4, 2023,resulting in 317 deaths and 2,437 people injured.
The minister added that the mostshocking finding is that 96% of those involved in the accidents were over thelegal alcohol limit.
To achieve the 5% cut in roadaccidents, the minister said all parties concerned must cooperate, including drivers, whoshould not drive when they are drunk. He also asked all hospitals to be onstandby to support the police and local officials.
Meanwhile, Pol Major Veerawat Sivapaet,deputy commander of the Office of Police Strategy, said that, if the drunkdrivers are under 20 years old, the police will take legal action against the venues orstores that sold the alcohol to them./.