Hanoi (VNA) – Thailand rolled out plaincigarette packaging on September 10, becoming the first in Asia to make what iscalled as an effective way to reduce the appeal of smoking.
Last year, Thailand agreed to comply with the WorldHealth Organisation (WHO) guidelines so the simple packs were officiallyavailable in stores. Businesses have until December 8 to phase out stocks before facing fines of upto 40,000 THB (1,300 USD).
Thestandardised packaging includes a graphic picture of tobacco's effects on healthand the logo-free brand name written in plain font.
Keepinga uniform typeface below graphic depictions of smoking-related illnesses willmake the products less attractive to buyers, said Prakit Vathesatogkit,vice-chair of the Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance, adding that non-smokers andkids are less likely to start smoking with this packaging.
Thereare more than 246 million cigarette smokers in Southeast Asia, where low priceshelp make it one of the largest tobacco-consuming regions in the world.
In2012, Australia became the first country to require tobacco products to be soldwithout colourful brand logos. Singaporeis set to implement similar restrictions on packaging next year./.