Thailand: Ministry charges posters of fake COVID-19 news

Since the start of the pandemic last year, many fake news reports about COVID-19 have been posted on social media. At the same time, the Ministry of a Digital Economy and Society has been collecting evidence and has finally issued arrest warrants for the fake news posters.
Bangkok (NNT/VNA) - Since the start of the pandemic last year, many fake news reports about COVID-19 have been posted on social media. At the same time, the Ministry of a Digital Economy and Society has been collecting evidence and has finally issued arrest warrants for the fake news posters.

The Minister of a Digital Economy and Society, Puttipong Punnakan posted on his Facebook today comments about COVID-19 fake news posted during the pandemic, which caused misunderstandings among the citizens.

Mr. Puttipong explained that the ministry has always collected evidence of fake news posts and reported them to the Royal Thai Police. Recently, the police issued arrest warrants for 35 fake news posters.

Among members of the public, if anyone has a concern about news on social media, it is recommended they advise the Anti Fake News Center and ask for a fact check, as sharing fake news can also be illegal./.

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