Bangkok (VNA) - The NationalEconomic and Social Development Council (NESDC) plans to propose developing aSouthern economic corridor (SEC) to the new government in a similar scenario tothe ongoing Eastern economic corridor (EEC) scheme.
Local media on July 5 quoted ThosapornSirisamphand, secretary-general of NESDC, saying that Thailand should develop itsutmost potential, especially its outstanding geography, which is a strong pointof the nation.
He said that NESDC plans to propose development projects for the southerncorridor in tandem with the EEC, focusing on developing agricultural andtourism products - the two core strength s of the country.
The main project of the proposed corridor is a highway along the coast of theGulf of Thailand to link with provinces along the Andaman Sea such as Krabi,Ranong and Trang.
Thosaporn said the government has also plannedto develop a dual-track rail to connect Chumphon province to Ranong province,which has a deep-sea port. The railroute will serve as a gateway to the Bay of Bengal Initiative forMulti-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (Bimstec).
Beside, the high-speed rail between Bangkok andHua Hin province will be extended to Chumphon and Surat Thani.
The coastal road and the dual-track rail will belinked to the EEC, a site of oleochemical plants that add value to palm oil, akey product of the southern provinces, he said.
The Thai cabinet approved a framework for the southern corridor in August lastyear, in an attempt to boost development in the South and increase thevalue of raw materials such as rubber and palm.-VNA