The Red River urban planning area: A look from above

After nearly 30 years of waiting, with dozens of proposals come and go, Hanoi finally completed the draft of an urban area on the Red River’s banks. This is considered an important milestone for the capital.

The Red River urban area, which will sits on both sides of the Red River, is expected to help Hanoi to deal with shortcomings in the management and usage of land resources and exploit the river’s potential.

After nearly 30 years of waiting, with dozens of proposals come and go, Hanoi finally completed the draft of an urban area on the Red River’s banks. This is considered an important milestone for the capital.

The new urban area is about 40km long, from Hong Ha bridge to Me So bridge, covering an area of about 11,000hectare, with estimated population of 280-320 thousand people.

The project must comply with the Capital Construction General Planning to 2030, with a vision to 2050; Detailed flood prevention and control planing of each river with dikes in Hanoi; Transportation planing of Hanoi capital to 2030, vision to 2050 and other relevant plans.

It is expected that the Red River urban planning project, with scale 15000, will be approved and announced in June 2021./.