Thousands join charity run for Hanoi children

Thousands of local residents and expats joined a charity run around Thien Quang lake in Hanoi on November 9, the 14 th run of its kind, in support of children suffering from cancer and congenital heart defects.
Thousands of local residents and expats joined a charity run around Thien Quang lake in Hanoi on November 9, the 14 th run of its kind, in support of children suffering from cancer and congenital heart defects.

Started in 2000, the annual Run for Children Hanoi was known as Terry Fox Run before changing its format in 2009.

The run is jointly organised by the Canadian Embassy in Vietnam and the Vietnam–Canada Friendship Association.

It has so far raised more than 4 billion VND (190,000 USD) to provide healthcare to needy children. Last year, the run attracted more than 5,000 participants and raised over 1 billion VND.-VNA

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