Training in field hospitals given to Vietnam’s future peacekeepers

Seventy officers and staff members set to join in the United Nations peacekeeping missions are taking a training course in HCM City to prepare for implementing level-two field hospitals.
Training in field hospitals given to Vietnam’s future peacekeepers ảnh 1The opening ceremony of the training course (Photo:

HCM City (VNA) – Seventy officers and staff members set to join in the United Nations peacekeeping missions are taking a training course in HCM City to prepare for implementing level-two field hospitals.

The course, opened by the Defence Ministry on August 9, will last for three months at the Military Hospital 175.

Lecturers from the Defence Ministry and the army’s General Staff, along with experts from Australia, China, France and the International Committee of the Red Cross will provide peacekeeping-related knowledge and experience, including preparations for and operation of a field hospital, and necessary skills to work at the UN peacekeeping missions.

At the course’s opening, Colonel Hoang Kim Phung, Director of the Vietnam Peacekeeping Centre, said participating in the UN peacekeeping activities is to realise the country’s foreign policy of multilateralisation and diversification of relations, and to actively contribute to international security and peace.

The training for officers who are going to engage in peacekeeping operations is very important and decides their task fulfillment capacity, he said.

Vietnam has so far sent 12 officers to act as liaison officers, advisors and observers at the UN missions in South Sudan and the Central African Republic. All of them have made excellent performance and were presented with the UN peacekeeping medals.-VNA


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