Trilingual book looks back on Vietnam-Canada cooperation journey

Canadian Minister of International Development Ahmed Hussen and Canadian Ambassador to Vietnam Shawn Steil introduced a book entitled "Lasting Legacy: 30 Years of Development Cooperation between Canada and Vietnam", which is available in three languages – Vietnamese, English, and French at a ceremony in Hanoi on January 9.
Trilingual book looks back on Vietnam-Canada cooperation journey ảnh 1Canadian Minister of International Development Ahmed Hussen meets with representatives from press agencies on January 9 in Hanoi. (Photo: VietnamPlus)

Hanoi (VNA) - Canadian Minister of International Development Ahmed Hussen and Canadian Ambassador to Vietnam Shawn Steil introduced a book entitled "Lasting Legacy: 30 Years of Development Cooperation between Canada and Vietnam", which is available in three languages – Vietnamese, English, and French at a ceremony in Hanoi on January 9.

This publication was launched on the occasion of the visit to Vietnam by Ahmed Hussen - his first trip to Asia since his appointment in July 2023.

Through various information and images, the book reviews the history of the bilateral relations that have brought benefits to both nations in various fields, from national governance, education, trade connection, and people-to-people exchange.


According to Shawn Steil, Canada's official development assistance for Vietnam, which began in 1990, has played a significant role in fostering the long-term partnership between the two countries. Over the past three decades, Canadian-funded projects have significantly promoted Vietnam’s efforts to build a state governed by policy and legal norms, serving the cause of industrialisation and modernisation.

Standing shoulder to shoulder with Vietnamese partners, Canada has implemented programmes to help promote economic development, improve livelihoods, reduce poverty, protect the environment, strengthen the education system, and ensure equal access to the above-mentioned benefits for women and ethnic minority people. Throughout this process, Vietnam and Canada have fostered connections between people and organisations, thus promoting a robust trade partnership between the two nations.

Trilingual book looks back on Vietnam-Canada cooperation journey ảnh 2 The book reviews the 30-year journey of development cooperation between Vietnam and Canada. (Photo: VietnamPlus)

The book highlights the benefits brought about by the growing relationship between Vietnam and Canada, which helps build a sustainable bilateral cooperation legacy for the two nations.

The reader can gain a deeper understanding of the 50-year diplomatic relations and the development cooperation between Vietnam and Canada through various milestones: 1993-1999 (investment for the future); 2000-2003 (focusing on livelihoods); 2004-2009 ( strong attraction); 2010-2014 (maintaining key cooperative relations) and 2015-2022 (promoting gender equality and sustainable development goals).

Trilingual book looks back on Vietnam-Canada cooperation journey ảnh 3Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh receives Minister Hussen to discuss common priorities between the two countries. (Photo: The Canadian Embassy in Vietnam)

Hussen said Vietnam is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, adding that Canada takes pride in being a strong partner in Vietnam's development. Hussen expressed his belief that the relationship between the two countries will be deepened further in the coming time.

According the official, the Canadian government pledged 40 million CAD (nearly 30 million USD) to support development goals for Vietnam, focusing on six key areas, including improving economic conditions for vulnerable groups in Vietnam, supporting gender-sensitive public-private partnerships and climate-smart infrastructure in Vietnam, supporting the resilience of vulnerable coastal communities, and improving socio-economic conditions of ethnic minority women in the agricultural sector, enabling disadvantaged rural women working in unpaid care work to participate in paid economical activities, supporting Vietnam in areas to ensure inclusive and sustainable development in high-quality forestry carbon projects.

He emphasised that Canada is focusing on areas such as ensuring gender equality and fostering diversity inclusion and environmental protection because these are values that the two countries pursue./.


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