Speaking at arecent forum hosted by the HCM City Theatre Association, Nguyen AnhKiet, director of the city's Tuong Theatre, said that only 14 candidateswho are members of tuong clubs in southern provinces had applied totake part in the tuong course at this theatre this year.
"Last year, none applied for the course," he said.
Kiet,a tuong actor, said: "Tuong is a particularly difficult art to master.In theatre or film, amateurs can practise a bit and perform, but youcannot perform tuong unless you are properly trained."
"Ourtwo-year course aims to give students a chance to discover and developtheir technique, skills and emotional expression on the stage. We arefacing a shortage of young, skilled tuong performers," he said.
People'sArtist Dinh Bang Phi, who has more than 30 years experience in tuong,agreed with Kiet, saying that "cultural authorities need to invest inproducing talented young artists if the art is to truly develop."
Tuongoriginated in the 12th century in Vietnam, but its growth occurredmainly in the 17th century in the central region. The art consists ofdance, song, and music performed by artists skilled in masquerade.
Alongwith cheo (traditional opera) in the north and cai luong (reformedtheatre) in the south, tuong is an integral part of Vietnamese culture.
The art was developed from a folk art into a royal art, and has themes eulogising loyalty to the monarch and patriotic duty.
"Toperform, artists use most of their body. If they lack a powerful voice,they cannot sing and dance while also expressing the emotions of eachcharacter," theatre director Thanh Hiep, who has researched tuong forseveral years, said.
"It is an exhausting art because it involves wearing costumes that sometimes weigh up to 10kg," he said.
Hiepsaid that the lack of audiences is a problem as they are important tothe survival of traditional stage arts and classical drama.
"We should encourage and educate a new generation of viewers who understand and like tuong," he said.
ActorNgoc Khanh of the Ngoc Khanh Tuong Club, said: "To maintain thetheatre, we need a bigger number of young and skilled performers."
"Tuong plays are a big challenge for our young staff who perform with poor performance and living skills," she said.
Khanh'sclub is one of the city's pioneers who have wasted no time waiting forthe local government, finding a way to develop and improve its staff ofyoung performers.
"We are working with local museums, hotels and restaurants to provide short tuong shows for their visitors," he said.-VNA