Hanoi (VNA) – The UN has approved an additional sum of 4.21 million USDfrom the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) to provide life-savingassistance to victims of Typhoon Damrey in Vietnam.
Thefund will benefit 150,000 people, including 46,973 children, in six affectedprovinces.
TyphoonDamrey made landfall on November 4, causing widespread flooding and destructionacross the central and south-central regions of the country. An estimated 4.33million people have been affected, including 400,000 who require emergency humanitarianassistance.
AnEmergency Cash Grant of 100,000 USD from the Office for the Coordination ofHumanitarian Affairs (OCHA) was allocated on November 15 to support immediaterelief operations.
Theadditional CERF funding is used by four UN agencies - FAO, IOM, UNDP and UNICEF- to meet the most urgent needs of affected communities. The agencies willprovide people whose homes have been damaged with shelter materials and cashgrants to make repairs; water filtration systems and hygiene kits to preventthe spread of disease; and unconditional cash transfers and vouchers tocompensate for the loss of livelihoods and to procure agricultural supplies.
“TheUN’s CERF funds will cover immediate life-saving needs and supporttime-critical interventions over the next six months,” said Kamal Malhotra, UNResident Coordinator in Vietnam.-VNA