US, Singapore affirm partnership in addressing challenges

US National Security Advisor Susan Rice on June 9 met with Singaporean Foreign Minister at the White House to discuss the two countries’ close partnership in addressing challenges.
US, Singapore affirm partnership in addressing challenges ảnh 1Minister for Foreign Affairs Vivian Balakrishnan (left) meeting US National Security Advisor Susan Rice (

Washington DC (VNA) – US National Security Advisor Susan Rice on June 9 met with Singaporean Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan at the White House, Washington DC, to discuss the two countries’ close partnership in addressing regional and global challenges.

A statement released by the White House indicated that the two sides discussed challenges relating to maritime security in the East Sea, countering the scourge of terrorism, and promoting prosperity through increased trade.

Advisor Rice affirmed the US' strong commitment to continuing to play a long-term role in the Asia Pacific by strengthening its ties with key partners like Singapore and with ASEAN through the US President Obama's Re-balance strategy.

The two sides also discussed the strategic and economic benefits of the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

The two highlighted the enduring interests underpinning 50 years of diplomatic relations between the US and Singapore.

They also confirmed that Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong will pay an official visit to the White House on August 2.-VNA


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