US to send spy planes to Philippines

Washington has offered to send two surveillance aircraft to assist the Armed Forces of the Philippines' intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance operations against terrorists.
US to send spy planes to Philippines ảnh 1The Philippine force in Marawi, Mindanao (Source: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) - Washington has offered to send two surveillance aircraft to assist the Armed Forces of the Philippines' intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance operations against terrorists, the US ambassador to the Philippines said on July 18.

Ambassador Sung Kim said that two Cessna 208 planes will be delivered in a couple of weeks.

Kim stressed that the US is deeply concerned about the security situation in Marawi City, where government forces have been fighting against local terror groups for more than eight weeks.

The US has been providing a very important support for the Armed Forces of the Philippines in terms of information and intelligence sharing, training, technical advice as well as equipment grants, Kim said in an interview with the Philippine ANC News.

He also noted that American troops are present in Mindanao under the mutual defense treaty between the two countries, adding that the US is committed to helping with the rehabilitation program for Marawi.

Previously, the Philippines military spokesman admitted that the US forces assisted the Philippine military in operations against the Islamist militants, however, underlining that the US force just provided technical support, not directly fighting the IS militants in Marawi.-VNA

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