Vietnam achieves first successful trachea transplant

Doctors at Viet Duc Friendship Hospital have successfully performed a groundbreaking surgery, transplanting a trachea segment from a brain-dead donor and reconstructing an oesophageal structure for a patient from Thanh Hoa Province.

In July 2022, this 25-year-old man was diagnosed with multiple injuries after a traffic accident.

He required intensive care, including a tracheostomy to facilitate breathing.

Given the patient's complex injuries, Viet Duc Hospital's multidisciplinary team agreed on a two-stage surgical plan.

The first stage involved resection and reconstruction of the cervical oesophagus stricture, while the second stage focused on reconstructing the larynx and transplanting a tracheal segment from a brain-dead donor.

One month after discharge, the patient showed significant improvement.

The case is among the rare trachea transplants combined with oesophageal reconstruction surgeries globally and represents the first successful implementation of such a procedure in Vietnam.

This success offers hope for patients with long tracheal segment injuries over 6cm, marking a significant advancement in medical science and surgery in Vietnam.

Trachea transplant surgery remains a challenge globally, with few short-term success reports.

This groundbreaking procedure at the hospital represents a promising development for future complex surgeries and the advancement of the country's healthcare capabilities./.