New York (VNA) - Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy, headof the Vietnamese mission to the United Nations, re-affirmed support foran inclusive Afghan-owned and Afghan-led peace process while attending theUnited Nations Security Council (UNSC)’s Arria Meeting on November 20.
Welcoming the historic peace negotiation of concerned partiesin Afghanistan, the Vietnamese diplomat hoped that they will early reach along-term ceasefire agreement so as to create a stable environment favourable fornegotiations.
He took the occasion to send his sympathy to the government,citizens and families of victims of the terrorist attack which took place atKabul University on November 2, calling on relevant sides to obey internationalhumanitarian law, and ensure humanitarian and medical access amidst the ravagingCOVID-19 pandemic.
Quy laid stress on the importance of more efforts to provide humanitariansupport, reduce poverty, respond to food insecurity, and promote theparticipation of women and youths in Afghanistan’s peace process.
Countries and speakers at the meeting welcomed the historicpeace negotiation between the Afghan government and the Taliban, starting fromSeptember 12 in Doha, Qatar. They also spoke highly of the government’s work toencourage the involvement of women in the peace negotiation.
However, they highlighted challenges during the negotiation,expressing their concern over the increasing violence in the country, andcondemning the Taliban and other terrorist organisations’ recent attacks targetingschools and medical stations.
Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General and Headof the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) Deborah Lyons wished competent parties will reach a code ofconduct in negotiation so as to begin talks on specific issues.
She highlighted UNAMA’s efforts in supporting the peace process,and called on regional and international partners to promote negotiation forpeace, humanitarian support and development in Afghanistan.
The situation in Afghanistan has seen complicateddevelopments despite the peace negotiation between the government and theTaliban. The UNAMA said conflicts in the country killed and injured more than10,000 civilians in 2019, and over 3,500 in first half of 2020. As of November20, the country recorded over 44,000 COVID infections, and death toll from thecoronavirus surpassed 1,600./.