Vietnam calls for more int’l support to Somalia

Vietnam has expressed concern about current violence in Somalia and called on the international community to support the Transitional Federal Government (FTG) in Somalia.
Vietnam has expressed concern about current violence in Somalia and called on the international community to support the Transitional Federal Government (FTG) in Somalia.

“My delegation remains deeply concerned about the ongoing violence in and around the Somali capital of Mogadishu as reflected by intensified attacks by insurgent groups, against the TFG and the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM),” Ambassador Hoang Chi Trung, Vietnamese Charge d’Affaires at the UN, made the statement at a UN Security Council debate on Somalia on July 9.

The diplomat said given the sufferings that are being visited upon the civilian population and the continuing deterioration of the security and humanitarian situation in the country, there is obviously an urgent need for immediate and vigorous international support for the TFG’s endeavors to repel the onslaught of extremist forces, which are intent on destroying the Djibouti peace process and spoiling the efforts to bring peace and stability to Somalia through political reconciliation.

“Vietnam supports the TFG’s call for the mobilisation of additional troops for AMISOM in order to enable it to withstand the insurgent attacks,” he said.

The diplomat stressed Vietnam welcomes the pledges made by the government of African countries to contribute troops to AMISOM in the coming time.

Trung also called on the international community to exert efforts for the peace process and stability in the region and to work for closer cooperation and a more effective partnership between the United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS), the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD), the African Union (AU) and the League of Arab States (LAS) in addressing the challenges that confront Somalia and to bring about a lasting peace and security in the region./.

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