The meeting discussed political situation in Mali,including the arrest of the President, Prime Minister and officials of Mali’stransitional government by the military on May 24. Special Representative andhead of the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in Mali(MINUSMA) El-Ghassim Wane was present at the event to give updates on thesituation.
Vietnam is closely watching the situation in Mali anddeeply concerned over the arrest, she said, noting that this will threaten thetransition process in the African country, destablise the situation there andhamper the implementation of the 2015 Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation inMali.
Vietnam urges parties concerned to exercise restraint andresolve differences through dialogue and consultation and to re-establish theconstitutional order, she said, expecting they will soon resume the transitionprocess for the long-term benefit of Malian people.
Vietnam also reaffirms its support to reconciliationefforts by the international community, such as the Economic Community of WestAfrican States (ECOWAS), and supports efforts by the MINUSMA in performing itsmission in the African country, she continued.
She went on to call on the international community tocontinue providing relief for Malian people and addressing humanitarianchallenges there./.