Hanoi (VNA) – The Vietnam Department ofPeacekeeping Operations (VDPO) together with the office of French defence attachéin Vietnam opened talks regarding UN peacekeeping missions on October 21.
The exchange, which will run until October 26, has gatheredFrench experts and personnel expected to join Vietnam’s peacekeeping sapperforce.
Their discussions will focus on security and safety of personnelduring missions, the preparation and assignment of tasks, the control ofvehicles and interactions with locals, and measures to respond to emergenciesin case of attack.
The event will also cover exercises concerning securityscenarios.
Speaking at the opening ceremony, Director of the VDPO MajorGeneral Hoang Kim Phung lauded France’s peacekeeping assistance for Vietnam.
He hoped more exchanges between the sides will be held,mentioning that Vietnam and the EU have recently signed an agreement on theestablishment of a framework for the country’s participation in crisismanagement activities.
French Defence Attaché to Vietnam Lt. Col. MarcRazafindranaly praised Vietnam’s active participation in UN peacekeepingoperations.
France is willing to help Vietnam train human resources forsuch missions, he said./.