Vietnam, Italy enhance people -to-people diplomacy

The Vietnam-Italy Friendship Association (VIFA) will focus on boosting people-to-people diplomatic activities to further strengthen cooperation in economics, trade, investment, sci-technological exchange, education and training, and tourism between the two countries in the coming time.
The Vietnam-Italy Friendship Association (VIFA) will focus on boosting people-to-people diplomatic activities to further strengthen cooperation in economics, trade, investment, sci-technological exchange, education and training, and tourism between the two countries in the coming time.

The plan was released at VIFA’s sixth congress for the 2013-2018 term in Hanoi on January 10, which elected its new 34-member executive board.

At the congress, participants agreed that the association will work hard to enhance and expand its relations with Italian partners, thus fostering the strategic partnership and all-round ties between the two countries and people while calling on Italian friends to continue supporting Vietnam’s industrialisation, modernisation and national defence.

VIFA will serve as a bridge to connect both sides’ business communities, helping Vietnamese enterprises access those from Italy.

The Dante Centre, a language and cultural institution in Rome, will continue promoting the Italian language and culture to Vietnamese graduate students, as well as helping them prepare for study at the country’s universities and research institutions.

Over five terms, VIFA has worked hard to facilitate the success of people-to-people diplomatic affairs while stepping up friendship, cooperation and mutual understanding between Vietnam and Italy.

It has also worked closely with chapters of the Italy-Vietnam Friendship Association to organise activities supporting Vietnam, especially in assisting Vietnamese Agent Orange/dioxin victims.-VNA

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