Vietnam News Agency to increase coverage of border security

The Vietnam News Agency (VNA) and the Border Guard High Command signed an agreement on December 18 to strengthen communications cooperation for national sovereignty and border security.
Vietnam News Agency to increase coverage of border security ảnh 1Scene at the signing ceremony. (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi(VNA) – The Vietnam News Agency (VNA) and the Border Guard High Command signed an agreement on December 18 to strengthen communications cooperation for national sovereignty and border security. 

Under the deal, the VNA’s news departments, publications and representative offices across 63 cities and provinces nationwide will timely update and cover stories related to the work of the border guard in management and safeguarding the national territorial sovereignty and border security.

Meanwhile, the Border Guard High Command pledged to supply timely information to the VNA on its activities in line with the agreement. The border guard force can use VNA publications such as Tin Tuc newspaper and the Dan Toc va Mien Nui (Ethnic People and Mountainous Region) Pictorial for its communications purposes.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, VNA Director General Nguyen Duc Loi commited to implement the agreement and requested prompt information supply from the Border Guard High Command.

Lt. Gen. Pham Huy Tap, political commissar of the High Command, pledged to support VNA reporters to reach border guard units and promote VNA publications to remote and mountainous areas.-VNA


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