Vietnam performs well in world programming competition

The Vietnamese team has performed well in the world final of the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM/ICPC) 2015, which took place on May 25 in Morocco, according to the Vietnam National University – Hanoi (VNU-Hanoi).
The Vietnamese team has performed well in the world final of the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM/ICPC) 2015, which took place on May 25 in Morocco, according to the Vietnam National University – Hanoi (VNU-Hanoi).

The Java# team from the University of Technology under the VNU – Hanoi, the only Vietnamese representative at the contest, solved six out of 13 problems, ranking 20 th out of 128 teams, the best result Vietnam has ever acquired in the contest.

Since 2006, Vietnam has been ranked among the 100 most outstanding teams across the world competing in the contests, the team’s coach Ho Dac Phuong said.

This year was the fourth time the University of Technology – VNU, Hanoi secured its seat in the final round of the annual global ACM/ICPC contest, Phuong added.

ACM / ICPC is an international programming contest for students. It attracts youth from around the world who excel at programming and algorithms.

The contest was first held in the United States in 1977 under the auspices of the Association for Computing Machinery – ACM. It has been open world-wide to IT students since 1989.-VNA

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