At the summit on December 17, PM Chinh called on ASEAN and Japan tostrengthen cooperation amidst the global headwinds with various unprecedentedchallenges to develop their comprehensive strategic partnership into a symbolof international solidarity and cooperation.
Senator Katayama Satsuki from the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) of Japan Katayama highly valued the Vietnamese leader’s message, expressing the hope that the two countries will strengthen their relationship for the benefit of the entire region. She spoke highly of Vietnam's crucial role andbelieved that this role will continue to be enhanced within ASEAN.
Dr Shoji Tomotaka, Director of the Regional Research Division at the NationalInstitute for Defence Studies under the Japanese Ministry of Defence remarked that the two countries have collaborated extensively within ASEAN, which is animportant international framework for Japan.
Within this framework, cooperation between Japan and Vietnamhas been conducted smoothly, contributing to the advancement of bilateralrelations with mutual respect, he said.

Prof. Ito Go from Japan's Meiji University emphasisedthe importance of promoting relations between Japan and Vietnam within multilateralframeworks. Frameworks such as ASEAN-Japan and ASEAN 3 have contributed tofostering exchanges and cooperation between Japan and Vietnam.
Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Shiraishi Masaya, EmeritusProfessor of Waseda University, who is Chairmanof the Japanese Association for Vietnamese Studies,commented that as a member of ASEAN, Vietnam is an important partner in Japan'sdiplomatic relations and the country is playing a role as an increasinglyimportant actor in ASEAN.
Japan and Vietnam are part of the multi-layered concentric circles ofmultilateral relations in the region, the professor said, noting that as Vietnam’s nationalstrength is increasingly consolidated, theimportance of Vietnam to Japan will continue to grow.
President and CEO Executive General Manager of AEONGroup Iwamura Yasutsugu said that PM Chinh has delivered a very powerful message, which reflects the close bonds between Japan and Vietnam and showsthe role of each country in the development process.
Honna Hitoshi, Representative Director and President of Erex JSC expressedhis impression on for PM Chinh’s statement regarding the development ofeconomic activities aligned with the strategy of green growth and carbonreduction.
Politicians and representatives from businesses viewed economic cooperation asa mainstay of the Vietnam – Japan relations.
Senator Katayama said among ASEAN countries, Vietnam, with its growth potentialand abundant labour force, has become a crucial partner of many businesses.
For his part, Chairman of the Vietnam - Japan Friendship Association Nojima Yasuhiro said that Vietnam's economic strength is growing, expressing his beliefthat Vietnam will have a stronger voice in the future.
According to Iwamura, Vietnam is an important country for his company, addingthat the country has stable politics, harmony of national identity andcompatibility with AEON's business philosophy.
The Vietnam - Japan Economic Forum on December 16 with the participation of PMChinh and Vietnamese ministers was a great success with verymeaningful exchanges between the two sides, Honna said.
Erex, as well as other Japanese enterprises always highly rate the investmentenvironment in Vietnam and the economic and trade cooperation between the twocountries, he said, expressing his belief that comprehensive cooperativerelations will continue to develop fruitfully in trust and friendship betweenthe two countries.
Representing Sanshin Saiko Co., Ltd, Umezawa Kiyoshi showed greatexpectations for the strong development of cooperation between Vietnam andJapan, believing that this will be an important basis for Japanese businessesto decide investment methods and level in a country that has a specialpartnership with Japan./.