Of the number, there were 2,155 phishing,3,824 deface and 240 malware attacks.
In addition, the number of computersinfected with malicious viruses (botnet) per day was close to 100,000 in theperiod.
According to the Authority of InformationSecurity under the Ministry of Information and Communications, cyber securityand safety in Vietnam has been improved over the past time thanks to campaignson malware removal and training courses on cyber attack combat launched inHanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.
A report released by the InternationalTelecommunication Union (ITU) in late March 2019 shows that Vietnam was ranked50th out of 175 positions of 194 countries and territories worldwide in theglobal cyber security index, up from the 100th position in 2017.
The country ranked 11th among 38 countriesand territories in Asia-Pacific, and fifth out of 11 countries in SoutheastAsia in this regard, after Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia.
The ministry said malware–related attackson Government computers doubled in during the period, and experts called formore attention to malware prevention and control on Government computers in thetime ahead.-VNA