Accordingto Nhan Dan (People) Newspaper Online, Vietnam will send 106competitors to 12 events, including billiards and snooker, short-courseswimming, chess, muay, kickboxing, dance sport, kurash, kabaddi,bowling, eSports and futsal.
The country’s two top chessstars, Le Quang Liem and Nguyen Ngoc Truong Son, are expected to securetwo gold medals, while prominent swimmers Nguyen Thi Anh Vien and HoangQuy Phuoc are also good bets for Vietnamese gold at the competition.
Thenational sports delegation will arrive in Incheon on June 27, two daysbefore the official AIMAG opening ceremony at Samsan World Gymnasium.
Theeight-day event is an ideal platform for Vietnamese athletes to honetheir skills and gain experience in preparation for the 27th SoutheastAsian Games in Myanmar this December and the 17th Asian Games in Incheonnext year.-VNA