Hanoi (VNA) – Vietnam is forecast to bethe fastest growing convenience store market in Asia by 2021, according to theInstitute of Grocery Distribution (IGD).
By 2021, the growth of the convenience channelin Vietnam will increase by more than 37 percent, followed by the Philippinesat 24 percent and Indonesia on 16 percent.
The retail market in Vietnam is shifting fromtraditional to modern trade, said the IGD.
Vietnamese goods make up more than 80 percent ofgoods in the retail distribution system.
In recent years, Vietnam convenience stores havebecome popular destinations, especially for young consumers.
Savvy operators, like Circle K and Family Mart,have recognised local demand for the stores as a place to not only shop but tohang out as well, providing an air-conditioned area to consume freshly-servedconvenience foods and snacks, modern merchandising systems, a mix of importedand local goods and in some stores free wifi.-VNA