US Ambassador to Vietnam Marc Knapper said bilateral trade wasgrowing steadily over the past decade, reaching 130 billion USD in 2022, ofwhich 10 billion USD went to agriculture.
Following the elevation of the relationship to a ComprehensiveStrategic Partnership, there's no doubt that bilateral trade, particularly inthe agricultural sector, would continue to thrive.
In other words, a wider range of American agricultural productswould make their way into Vietnam in the short term and so would Vietnameseproducts into the US.
Francis Lee, a representative of the Washington Apple Commission,said American apples were in high demand in Vietnam with about 2 millionbaskets being consumed annually. Other products such as grapes and cherrieswere also gaining popularity among Vietnamese consumers.
He expected that the upgraded relationship would facilitate theentry of more American fruits into Vietnam in the years to come. He said Vietnamand the US could consider reducing import tariffs to make each country's fruitsmore competitive in the other country.
Currently, American apples and grapes are subject to importtariffs of approximately 8%, while other fruits ranging from 10-15%. If thetariffs are reduced or cut down to 0%, it would be a significant opportunityfor American fruits to enter the Vietnamese market.
Vu Ngan Giang, a representative of the US Grains Council, said theUS remained the largest producer and exporter of sorghum in the world,producing over 11.5 million tonnes and exporting 7.4 million tonnes in 2021.
Vietnamese consumers purchase sorghum mostly in the form of mixedingredients. There is no data about sorghum import as a single ingredient, butwhat is known is that sorghum products were gaining favour in the country.
"Sorghum is what Vietnamese consumers need for their healthyeating pattern," said Giang.
Le Van Anh Tu, a representative of the US Meat Export Federation,said Vietnamese consumers had a great appetite for American tri-tip beef.However, current import tariffs of between 14-20 % have made the product lessaffordable to them.
He hoped that the upgraded relationship would pave the way forsome tariff cuts on agricultural products in the future, making American beefmore competitive when entering the country.
In the fruit sector, seven types of fruits from the US have beenpermitted to be exported to Vietnam. Peach is expected to make the eighth onthe horizon./.