Vietnam voices concern about security instability in Central African Republic

Ambassador Pham Hai Anh, Chargé d'Affaires of the Vietnamese mission to the United Nations has voiced concern about the security situation in Central African Republic before the upcoming general election, and condemned actions harming the Peace Agreement in the country.
Vietnam voices concern about security instability in Central African Republic ảnh 1A corner of Bangui (Photo: Reuters)

Hanoi (VNA) – Ambassador Pham Hai Anh, Chargé d'Affaires of the Vietnamese mission to the United Nations has voiced concern about the security situation in Central African Republic before the upcoming general election, and condemned actions harming the Peace Agreement in the country.

Addressing a closed meeting of the UN Security Council on December 21 to discuss the security instability in the Central African Republic before the election, the Vietnamese ambassador underlined the need to immediately put an end to hostile actions and promote dialogues to ensure the election takes place in peace.

At the meeting, UN Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations Jean-Pierre Lacroix delivered a report on the current tension in the country, including the escalating instability in areas near Bangui capital city due to hostile actions of armed groups.

He also briefed participants on the operations of the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA), UN peacekeeping mission in the country, in supporting the protection of stability and preparations for the election, which is slated for December 27.

Following the meeting, the UN Security Council issued a press release strongly condemning activities violating the Peace Agreement and calling on all sides to immediately stop hostile actions and promote dialogue to create favourable conditions for the election.

The council expressed support of a free and fair election on December 27 on the foundation of plans under the Constitution of the Central African Republic, while opposing actions hindering the process.

It also affirmed support for the assisting role of regional organisations such as the African Union, the Economic Community of Central African States and the MINUSCA in ensuring security and promoting dialogue among parties throughout the election.

The security situation in Central African Republic has seen certain progress, especially since the Peace Agreement was signed between the administration and 14 armed groups. However, the country has consecutively faced security challenges due to violations of the Peace Agreement as well as political tension during the preparations for the election.

The MINUSCA, formed on the foundation of the UN Resolution 2149 in 2014, aims to protect civilians, support the peace process as well as law building and reform, and the renovation of security force, and deal with humanitarian challenges. Currently, eight Vietnamese officers are working at the MINUSCA./.

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