“Vietnam Week” kicks off in Mexico

The “Vietnam Week” and a photo exhibition on Vietnam kicked off in Mexico on May 25 as part of activities to mark 35 years of Vietnam-Mexico diplomatic ties.
The “Vietnam Week” and a photo exhibition on Vietnam kicked off in Mexico on May 25 as part of activities to mark 35 years of Vietnam-Mexico diplomatic ties.

The opening ceremony was attended by Vietnamese Minister of Culture, Sport and Tourism Hoang Tuan Anh, and Senate Alberto Anaya Gutierrez as well as the General Secretary of the Labour Party and President of the Mexican Institute for Friendship and Cooperation with Vietnam, Virgilio Caballero of the host country.

Minister Anh stressed the significance of the first Vietnam Week in Mexico, describing it as a practical activity to welcome the 35th anniversary of Vietnam-Mexico diplomatic ties, and the two countries’ grand celebrations, including the 120th birthday of President Ho Chi Minh, the 1,000th anniversary of Thang Long-Hanoi, the 200th Mexico Independence Day and the 100th year since the Mexican Revolution.

He also spoke highly of Mexico’s support to the organisation of the event in Mexico City and Accapunco beach city of Guerrero state, expressing his wish for further cooperation with Mexico, especially in economy, trade, culture, sports and tourism.

Participants will have chances to enjoy art performances, film screenings and photo exhibitions during the week from May 23-28./.

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