Vietnam works actively at 22nd ASEAN Summit

The Vietnamese delegation, led by PM Nguyen Tan Dung, made positive contributions to the 22nd ASEAN Summit that took place in Bandar Seri Begawan from April 24-25, said FM Pham Binh Minh.
The Vietnamese delegation, led by Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, made positive contributions to the 22nd ASEAN Summit that took place in Bandar Seri Begawan from April 24-25, said Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh.

Briefing the press on Vietnam’s participation in the summit, the minister said Vietnam actively contributed to key topics and helped strengthen ASEAN solidarity.

During the event, Vietnam affirmed that ASEAN needs to maintain its common voice and central role to uphold peace, stability, maritime security and safety in the East Sea, Minh said.

Vietnam also emphasised the effective implementation of the association’s common goals and principles in the East Sea, especially the strong support to the Declaration on Six-point Principles on the East Sea, the settlement of disputes by peaceful means without the use of force, observation of international law and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), and the early conclusion of the Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC), he said.

Regarding the focus and outcomes of the summit, Minh said leaders of the association’s member countries reached high consensus on ASEAN’s prioritised directions and gave opinions on issues of strategic importance in the region.

They affirmed that ASEAN needs to continue promoting its role and common voice on important issues relating to peace, security and development in the region, he said.

The leaders agreed to speed up the progress of building the ASEAN Community in all three key pillars - politics-security, economics and culture-society - while effectively implementing cooperation programmes at both national and regional levels, said Minh.

The leaders said that ASEAN needs to continue fostering solidarity and further promote its central role in order to ensure a region of peace, security, stability and development, the diplomat said.

Accordingly, they said ASEAN should strengthen dialogues and build trust, while sharing conduct standards and promoting the efficiency of cooperation tools and mechanisms in politics-security in the region, added Minh.

Minh said leaders of ASEAN member states gave much thought to the East Sea issues, which are of common concern and relate to regional peace and security.

They emphasised the association’s common views and principles, including the guarantee of peace, stability, security and safety in the East Sea, restraining and not complicating the situation and settling disputes peacefully in accordance with international law and the UNCLOS, the full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), as well as the building of the COC, said the minister.

Minh said participants at the summit also agreed on the expansion and further enhancement of ASEAN’s relations with partners, to make full use of their support and help the association build the ASEAN Community.

They agreed that ASEAN should continue boosting its relations with partners including China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, India, the US, Russia and Australia, he said.-VNA

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