Vietnamese businesses updated on Vietnam-EAEU FTA

Vietnamese businesses operating in Russia were updated on the Free Trade Agreement between Vietnam and the Eurasian Economic Union at a recent conference in Moscow.
Vietnamese businesses updated on Vietnam-EAEU FTA ảnh 1ss

Vietnamese businesses operating in Russia were updated on the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Vietnam and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) at a recent conference in Moscow. 

At the July 4 event, which was co-hosted by the Vietnamese Embassy and the Vietnam Business Association in Russia (VBA), Trade Counsellor at the Embassy Pham Quang Niem introduced the FTA’s main contents, pointing out that the FTA will open up large markets for Vietnamese exports, such as garments, footwear, wooden and agro-fishery products. 

According to Niem, the goal of 10-12 billion USD in two-way trade between Vietnam and Russia is reasonable. 

Meanwhile, Ambassador Nguyen Thanh Son urged the Vietnamese businesses in Russia to grasp the opportunities created by the FTA. 

On the occasion, participants discussed concerns related to the implementation of the trade agreement. 

The organising board also drew up a detailed document about the FTA comprising 31 most common questions and answers, to be circulated among the Russian-based businesses./.

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