Vietnamese continue to be second largest foreign community in Japan

Vietnamese continued to be the second biggest foreign community in Japan after China, despite a 3.4 percent drop in 2021, according to the the Immigration Services Agency of Japan (ISA).
Vietnamese continue to be second largest foreign community in Japan ảnh 1An art performance of Vietnamese community in Japan to celebrate traditional New Year Festival (Photo: VNA)
Tokyo (VNA) – Vietnamese continued to be the second biggest foreign community in Japan after China, despite a 3.4 percent drop in 2021, according to the the Immigration Services Agency of Japan (ISA).

According to the agency, the number of Vietnamese people in Japan reached 432,934, accounting for 15.7 percent of the total foreigners in the country.

The Republic of Korea came third with a community that made up 14.8 percent of total foreigners in Japan, followed by those from the Philippines and Brazil with 10.5 percent and 7.4 percent respectively.

As of the end of 2021, Japan had hosted over 2.76 million foreigners, down 4.4 percent from the same period last year, mostly because of tighter border management due to COVID-19 pandemic.

The agency reported that last year, the number of foreigners who were requested to leave Japan for violating immigration regulations fell by 1,328 to 4,122./.

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