Vietnamese cuisine captivating French diners

The Vietnamese food festival, organised by the Vietnamese Association in France and the Foyer Vietnam Organization in Paris last weekend, attracted a large number of local people. This was the second year the festival has been held, within the framework of the Ici Vietnam Festival’s activities, to introduce the cultural identity of Vietnam to French friends.

Representatives from 26 associations, unions, businesses, and restaurants of the Vietnamese community in France brought many dishes and drinks typical of different regions in Vietnam to the festival. These include beef vermicelli, mixed vermicelli, spring rolls, bread, sugarcane juice, and tea and coffee, among others.

In addition to showcasing food, other activities were also held at the festival, such as art performances, folk games, and introductions to French - Vietnamese books.

The festival also received support from the local government in Paris’s 5th district. The district is very supportive of activities from the Vietnamese community in France introducing Vietnamese culture.

The Ici Festival Vietnam is the idea of a group of young French-Vietnamese who hope to introduce Vietnamese culture to the French public./.