A documentary film named, “A different Vietnam ” by Belgian film-maker Marcel Wynands was screened at the Lakilon Cultural Centre in Liege city, Belgium on June 1, opening Vietnamese Culture Week in the city.
The film featured Vietnam ’s diversified culture through a vision of the daily life of ethnic minority people in the northern mountainous province of Ha Giang , from paddy fields to market days and local people’s traditional clothes.
Marcel Wynands said he and his film-making delegation spent eight days in the northernmost province to complete the documentary.
Prior to the screening, an exhibition displaying 30 paintings by Overseas Vietnamese artists took place at the centre./.
The film featured Vietnam ’s diversified culture through a vision of the daily life of ethnic minority people in the northern mountainous province of Ha Giang , from paddy fields to market days and local people’s traditional clothes.
Marcel Wynands said he and his film-making delegation spent eight days in the northernmost province to complete the documentary.
Prior to the screening, an exhibition displaying 30 paintings by Overseas Vietnamese artists took place at the centre./.