Vietnamese flag flies at 2022 ASEAN Para Games

Vietnam’s national flag was hoisted together with those of 10 other Southeast Asian countries at Manahan Stadium in Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia on July 27, marking the official presence of the Vietnamese sports delegation to the 11th ASEAN Para Games.

With 14 sports, the 11th ASEAN Para Games is scheduled to take place in Indonesia from July 30 to August 6.

The Vietnamese delegation comprises 153 members, including 18 coaches and 120 athletes who will compete in eight sports, namely athletics, swimming, powerlifting, badminton, table tennis, chess, judo, and archery.

The Vietnamese sport team are now ready for competition at the Games. Upon their arrival, all the athletes showed excitement to take part in the event, particularly when most of them had not competed in any international tournament for five years.

At the previous ASEAN Para Games in 2017, Vietnam won 40 gold, 61 silver, and 60 bronze medals, finishing 4th in the overall medal tally./.