The conference “Vietnamese digital companies going global:Global digital cooperation – Trusted partners in building the digital world”was the start of this effort, Tam stressed.
Nguyen Thien Nghia, Deputy Director in charge of the MIC’sDepartment of Information and Communications Industry, affirmed that the worldtechnology market has many opportunities while Vietnam's market istoo small compared to the current and future scale of the IT servicepersonnel.
Vietnamese technology enterprises have not only the advantageof dynamic and creative human resources but also the capacity of competing in price in comparison with the global IT market. This is the reason forVietnamese digital technology enterprises to go global, he added.
"Going together" is one of the ways that the ministryis guiding technology businesses. Accordingly, big enterprises will leadsmaller ones, and experienced ones will provide support for newcomers.
At the conference, leaders of several businesses shared theirexperience, lessons, methods of approach, and good and effective solutions toexploit foreign markets.
MIC also officially established a consulting group tosupport digital technology businesses in going global./.