The annual eventwas sponsored by the AEON 1% Club Foundation, a member of Japan’s AEON Group, aspart of the activities for the two countries’ young people to interact with eachother from November 13-19 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the bilateral diplomatic ties, with 50 Vietnamese and 50 Japanese students takingpart.
President ofthe foundation Yoshiki Mori said the event aims to promote friendship between the countries, providing a platform for Japanese youths and their friends fromother nations to interact directly and improve mutual understanding about eachother’s culture and history.
Vu Thi LienHuong in charge of the embassy’s education section answered questionsrelated to preparations to become diplomats in the future, keys to excellingin foreign languages, and how to apply language skills in diplomatic work.
Apart from watchinga video on the 50-year history of Vietnam-Japan relations, studentssang the song "Friendship” in both Vietnamese and Japanese, and enjoyedcultural performances and typical Vietnamese dishes together.
On the followingdays, students will join a series of activities such as visiting the NationalDiet building, the Prime Minister's Office, the University of Tokyo, and famouslandmarks, and experiencing the traditional Japanese culture./.